Silvadec publishes its first Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Report

February 2024
Circular economy

Discover the Commitments Behind Our Products!

We are proud to share with you our very first corporate social responsibility and environmental report, the result of over a year of reflection. This report covers the year 2023 and crystallizes the CSR initiative launched at the end of 2022. Yes, manufacturing outdoor products is good, but producing meaningful outdoors is even better!


👥 For Whom, Why?


In an era of transitions and even revolutions, it seemed essential to us to communicate our commitments from the very beginning. This report addresses our entire ecosystem, including our employees, clients, and suppliers! It aims to promote over 20 years of vision and commitments to contribute to sustainable and healthy living environments.


🟡 A Colorful Content Organized in 9 Points

In this report, form serves the substance: the agency VUPAR accompanied us in creating a bold tool that breaks away from traditional industry communication codes and reflects our passion for innovation.

In this report, you will discover:
•⁠ Our values
•⁠ The multiple advantages of our composite material
•⁠ A unique diagram of the Silvadec Group and its circular economy model
•⁠ Our commitments
•⁠ Our various labels & certifications
•⁠ Our contribution to the SDGs
•⁠ An interview with Nadia GUITTER, Head of Innovation

✨ We hope you will enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed creating it!


A big thank you to all our collaborators (Maud Jézéquel and Christelle Perret Desbois!), for their contribution, as well as to Benjamin Dupoué for his artistic direction and Amélie Perraud from the agency VUPAR, to Alan Fustec and Wadie El Awad from Goodwill-management for their valuable contribution, to Franck Betermin and Samuel Bigot for their beautiful photos, and finally to Region Bretagne, Produit en Bretagne, and Banque Populaire for their support.


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