Ethics and anti-corruption

Code of Ethics

The Silvadec group's Code of Ethics is the foundation of the values and rules that guide our day-to-day actions. This document is addressed to all our employees as well as to our suppliers, partners and customers.

I read the Silvadec Group Ethics Charter

Responsible purchasing charter.

Silvadec is committed to responsible and committed customer-supplier relations.

Silvadec's charter for responsible purchasing is available here:

I read the Silvadec Charter

Alert system

You can use the following form to report any serious misconduct

  • Damage to the Group's interests
  • Breach of confidentiality
  • Non-compliance with a code of conduct
  • Failure to respect professional ethics with regard to customers, suppliers and other stakeholders
  • Non-compliance with conflict of interest rules - Non-compliance with the policy on gifts and entertainment
  • Corruption
  • Fraud
  • Violations of the duty of vigilance concerning :
    • Human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the principle of non-discrimination
    • Personal health and/or safety, including harassmen
    • the environment (e.g. biodiversity, pollution, greenhouse gas emissions)

The confidentiality of your identity will be preserved throughout the processing of the alert and after its closure. After sending your alert or request, Silvadec has seven days to acknowledge receipt

Access to the form