5 reasons to choose and install an aluminium fence

February 2021

Unsure of the right choice for your fence? Would you like to know more on the assets of aluminium? Good news: we can give you some pointers! Here are our top 5 convincing reasons to choose aluminium when creating your outdoor living space.

1 – Unrivalled strength and durability

No matter where you plan to put your fence, it will be exposed throughout its life to the vagaries of the weather, but also to external factors that may alter or damage the boards.

Aluminium boards therefore offer an ideal and lasting solution. Sturdy and stable, made with stainless steel, the aluminium fence has high resistance to wind at speeds of up to 100km/h, and also resists corrosion, staining, UV rays and rain.

Our Silvadec boards are made of Qualicoat®-certified aluminium, guaranteed for 10 years. This certification, issued by the world’s leading quality label for aluminium coatings, is a testament to the quality of our boards’ coating and paintwork.

2 – Design coupled with modernity  

Installing a fence is about protecting yourself, your loved ones and your property against intrusions. It’s also a way of expressing your lifestyle and personality, by creating a unique, stylish and modern space.

Aluminium offers various colour options that help you tailor the fence to your home (structures) or to its environment. The sanded aluminium finish of the boards is especially pleasing to the eye – attractive and understated.

Available in 3 colours : Anthracite Grey, Metal Grey and White, our sanded-finish aluminium boards offer style and quality that will bring you comfort and peace of mind.

3 – Create a cosy, private space that reflects your taste

The trait that often tips the balance in favour of an aluminium fence is... its modularity. In fact, unlike fences made from PVC or concrete, aluminium fences offer many configuration options, so you can give creativity and customisation a free hand. This kind of fence can suit all types of ground, and its height is adjustable. It has a wide range of accessories, all available in the 3 aluminium board colours.

Looking to create a space that is elegant and bright ? With our dividers, you can design your bespoke fence of solid or “openworked” panels. The dividers are 15 mm high, and can help you create several types of panel up to 1.80 m high. What’s more, this modularity means a fence can be tailored to certain estate regulations, which may require openwork fences.

4 – Treat yourself, while also caring for nature

Aluminium boards : an eco-friendly alternative ? Aluminium is actually 100% recyclable, so it enables you to install something you enjoy while also minimising the environmental impact of erecting a fence. At Silvadec, we want to support our clients in creating more responsible spaces. This is why we strive daily to achieve a specific objective : to use resources economically and minimise our impact.

5 – Fast, simple maintenance

Thanks to their sanded finish, the aluminium boards are more resistant to dirt. Simple, occasional cleaning restores the original colour and appearance of the boards.

We recommend washing the boards at least once a year, ideally in spring, with warm soapy water. Avoid using a long-handled scrubbing brush , as this could damage the boards. Instead, use a sponge for cleaning aluminium.

So, why not choose a Silvadec  aluminium fence?

Life is composite... let your desires do the talking !

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